In the early 20th century, gangs of violent and lawless outlaws roamed America, terrorizing the countryside as they robbed banks and killed law enforcement officers. These notorious gangs, such as Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, and Pretty Boy Floyd, were sensationalized in the popular media of the time. Another infamous figure of the era, Al Capone, ran a criminal empire in Chicago and was known for his ruthless response to anyone who crossed him. In Dealers in Death: Murder and Mayhem in America, we delve into the stories of these infamous individuals and the U.S. government's efforts to bring them to justice and break their hold on the public's imagination. Narrated by legendary Hollywood actor Broderick Crawford, this VHS presents a compelling journey through America's dark and notorious past. Directed by John McNaughton and written by F.B. Vincinzo.